I'm looking for some help to a question.
I'm working in the infinite square well, and I have the wavefunction:
$$\psi(x,t=0)=A\left( i\sqrt{2}\phi_{1}+\sqrt{3}\phi_{2} \right).$$
For every time t, the wavefunction is:
$$\psi(x,t)=A\left( i\sqrt{2}\phi_{1}e^{-iE_{1}t/\hbar}+\sqrt{3}\phi_{2}e^{-iE_{2}t/\hbar} \right).$$
Now, I'm asked to calculate the expectation value of the particles position $\left\langle x\right\rangle (t)$.
My guess was to just do it like this:
$$\left\langle x \right \rangle(t) = \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}x|\Psi(x,t)|^{2}dx,$$
and then use last of my two wavefunctions, and use the Kronecker Delta argument to remove the terms that got $i \neq j$.
But, that doesn't seem to work. The answer should be:
$$\langle x \rangle (t) =\frac{32\sqrt{6}a}{45\pi^{2}}\sin((E_{1}-E_{2})t/\hbar).$$
But if I do what I said, I will get something like 1 I think.
So I'm guessing I'm going all wrong about, so I was hoping someone could give me a hint :)