Given a neutron (mass$\approx$939 MeV/c$^2$) in an infinite square well of size $a$, the value of the expectation value for position should be in the range $[0-a]$. I know that the general form of the expectation value for position is $$\langle X\rangle=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\psi^*x\psi dx=\int^a_0\psi^*x\psi dx \, ,$$ My wave function is given by: $$\psi[x]=\sqrt[]{\frac{2}{7a}}\sin{\frac{x\pi}{a}}+\sqrt[]{\frac{4}{7a}}\sin{\frac{2x\pi}{a}}+\sqrt[]{\frac{8}{7a}}\sin{\frac{3x\pi}{a}}\, ,$$ which is a superposition of wavefunctions of the form $\sin(n\pi x / a)$. Because all of these $\sin$ functions are orthogonal, the expectation value can be written: $$\sum_n[p_n\int^a_0\phi_n^*x\phi_ndx]$$ For the probabilities of each $n$ state given by $p_n$. However, for all $n$, the above integrals all evaluate to $\frac{a^2}{4}$, which not only has the wrong units, but for $a>4$ gives a magnitude larger than the size of the well. How can this be?
EDIT: this was poorly worded, and under-explained due to a mixture of pressure and lack of sleep (not that anyone on stack exchange cares). I think I've fixed it.