Are moving charges and time-varying electric fields really distinct causes of magnetic fields??
Various EM Phenomena
Two larger purposes are providing some Background to make sure I follow Maxwells equations, and gaining any intuition about these four or five seemingly disjoint laws, please flag anything that’s off at all:
1.Electric charges exist, and attract/repel. We can call the would-be force per unit-charge from them the “electric field”.
No analogous “magnetic charges” exist. (Usually said as, “no magnetic monopoles”)
2.In addition to charges, electric fields can also be made from the magnetic field changing at that point.
3.Magnetic fields put force on moving charges
Q1: Correct so far?
The Important One(s)
Back to the main question:
4.(Or 4 and 5.) Magnetic fields are made by changing electric field, only. One example of this is a moving charge (which obviously causes a changing electric field). One moving point charge creates a magnetic field that can be determined just the same by looking at how that charge’s electric field is changing. But with current, the apparent steady, unchanging electric field around a current is actually new fields replacing the ones moving away. So it actually is moving fields superimposed, and hence makes a magnetic field.
The question is basically, is that ⬆️ paragraph correct? (Q2)
How they relate?
Feel free to add how they may be less total independent phenomena than the 5 listed (4 if Im right). Maybe 1 and 2 come from stationary electric charge being like a moving magnetic field.
Q3: Other than whether 4 and 5 are really same or not, any way to see two or more of these mechanisms as related in any way?