Does the time reversal flip the differential measure $dt$ or integral measure $dt$?
Does the time reversal flip the differential measure $dt$ or $\Delta t$?
Suppose we look at the derivative on a classical position $x(t)$, naively if we think the differential measure as $\Delta t$ then we do NOT flip it under time reversal. So $$ \frac{d {x}( t)}{d t } \vert_{ t = t_1} \equiv \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{{x}( t_1+\Delta t ) -{x}( t_1)}{\Delta t }$$ $$\overset{T}{\to} \lim_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{{x}( -t_1-\Delta t ) -{x}( -t_1)}{\Delta t }= \color{red} {(-1)} \frac{d {x}( t)}{d t } \vert_{ t = -t_1}. $$ Here we flip $x(t) \overset{T}{\to} x(-t)$ for any $t$ on the time axis, so we flip ${x}( t_1+\Delta t ) \overset{T}{\to} {x}( -t_1-\Delta t )$ and flip ${x}( t_1 ) \overset{T}{\to} {x}( -t_1 )$.
Again on a classical position $x(t)$, naively if we think the differential measure as $\Delta t = t_{j+1}-t_j$ then we seem to have to flip it under time reversal. So $$\Delta t = t_{j+1}-t_j\overset{T}{\to} t_{-(j+1)}-t_{-j} =-(t_{-j} - t_{-(j+1)})=- \Delta t (!!!)$$ $$ \color{red}{dt \overset{T}{\to} - dt (!!!)}$$ Here we label $t_{j+1} > t_j > 0 > t_{-j}=-t_j >t_{-{j+1}}=-t_{j+1}$ in an easily understandable way from the large $t>0$ value to the $t<0$ value along the time axis.
Then we derive a totally different opposite sign of the time reversal on the time derivative: $$ \frac{d {x}( t)}{d t } \vert_{ t = t_1} \equiv \lim_{\Delta t =t_2-t_1\to 0} \frac{{x}( t_2 ) -{x}( t_1)}{t_2-t_1 }\overset{T}{\to} \lim_{t_2-t_1 \to 0} \frac{{x}( t_{-2} ) -{x}( t_{-1})}{ t_{-2}-t_{-1} }$$ $$= \lim_{t_2-t_1 \to 0} \frac{{x}( -t_2 ) -{x}( -t_1)}{ -t_2+t_1 }= \lim_{t_2-t_1 \to 0} \frac{-({x}( -t_1)-x(-t_1-(t_2-t_1 ) ))}{ -(t_2-t_1) }= \color{red}{(+1)} \frac{d {x}( t)}{d t } \vert_{ t = -t_1}. $$ Here we label $t_2 > t_1 > 0 > t_{-1}=-t_1 >t_{-2}=-t_2$ in an easily understandable way from the large $t>0$ value to the $t<0$ value along the time axis.
All the discussion above applies to the classical state, position $$x(t)$$ and also to a quantum state (state vector in a Hilbert space) $$| \psi(t)\rangle$$ So you can answer from a quantum theory perspective too. Thanks in advance.