I was wondering how to calculate the power dissipation density (electromagnetic losses) when two waves of different frequencies are used simultaneously to heat a dielectric object. Of course, this material would present different permittivities depending on the frequency and also on the temperature. But just focusing on the frequency here:
In a sinusoidal steady state, for a point in the dielectric, the time average of the power loss can be calculated as
$$P_d = \mathbf E \cdot \frac{\partial \mathbf D}{\partial t}$$
Which, in view of the time average theorem, can be expressed as
$$P_d = \frac{1}{2}Re(jw \mathbf D)\cdot \mathbf E$$
Knowing that the displacement flux density vector is related to the electric field by a complex permittivity or dielectric constant:
$$\mathbf D = \epsilon \mathbf E=(\epsilon'-j\epsilon'')\mathbf E $$
$$P_d = \frac{\omega}{2} |\mathbf E|^2\epsilon'' $$
If using the superposition principle, the combined electric field would be the sum of the electric field caused by the two waves, how can one calculate the combined flux density vector? I guess this would be the way to then use the expression for the power loss (rather than just adding up the two individual power losses), but I am not certain as I lack knowledge in the matter at hand.