The three Kepler laws of planetary motion were established by analysis of Tycho’s measurements. The choice of coordinate system is important for Kepler’s laws. For example it is important that the Sun is at the origin. Also the choice of axis is important: for example if one chooses the first axis to be the ray from Sun to Earth, then Earth will stay on this axis all the time and it’s orbit will not be elliptic.
Newton deduced from Kepler’s laws and his classical mechanics his gravity law. On the one hand, Kepler’s laws hold in a specific frame. On the other hand Newton’s mechanics holds in inertial frames only . In all known to me literature it is tacitly assumed that Newton’s mechanics is applicable in Kepler’s frame (well, approximately: Sun is assumed to be infinitely heavy). Thus implicitly it is assumed that the frame used by Kepler is almost inertial. WHY?