I have a question regarding the (discrete) Fourier Transform of the retarded Green function (I neglect hats on operators): $$G(i,j;t)=-i\theta(t)\langle \{c_i(t),c^\dagger_j \} \rangle $$
specifically the conversion from position, $i$, to momentum, $\vec{k}$ (note this is a vector). These k-vectors will live in the first BZ (I work with a periodic lattice, see below). I give a lot of details so sorry if the statement is long...
For illustration purposes let's take as our model the tightbinding Hamiltonian for nearest neighbors (nn) only on a $N\times N$, 2D square lattice. Then in this case we have $i\in [1,N^2]$. Also take $t=.25$ to give a band width of 1 unit of energy.
I will set this up in a numerical way, but this model can still be easily solved this way. Labeling the sites for a computer is arbitrary but we can take the top left corner as $i=1$ then the right nn as $i=2$, and in general the (x,y) position is $i=x+N(y-1)$. We will also need vectors for position and we just measure this in respect to the center (so keep N even), $\vec{x}_i$.
Ok, here's the actual question: do I have to be careful with the sign of the dFT and which combinations of signs should I use? That is: $$G(\vec{k}_a,\vec{k}_b;t)=\frac{1}{N^2}\sum_{i,j}e^{\pm i\vec{x}_i\vec{k}_a} e^{\pm i\vec{x}_j\vec{k}_b}G(i,j;t)$$
The $\pm$ are thought to be independent.
You can do a FT on time and it does not seem to matter which sign you use (just be careful when adding your $i\epsilon$ to the exponent), but I get something weird when I freely do this for the position. I always thought a FT or dFT was somewhat arbitrary but it seems that it is not the case here. The next paragraph explains why.
We can cast the tb Hamintonian into the following form:
$$\hat{H}=\vec{c}^\dagger H\vec{c}=\vec{c}^\dagger V E V^{-1}\vec{c} $$
The $[\vec{c}]_i=c_i$ and the last bit is just diagonalizing our matrix. This matrix is known to of the form: $[V]_{ij}=e^{i\vec{k}_i\vec{x}_j}$ and the corresponding energy in $E$ is of the form $-2t(\text{cos}(ik_{ix})+\text{cos}(ik_{iy}))$. We can express our position creation and annihilation operators in terms of our quasi particles with this matrix. The issue is I know the diagonal part of the fully Fourier Transformed Green function looks like: $$G(\vec{k};\omega)=\frac{1}{\omega-E_k+i\epsilon} $$ We only get this if we are careful with the combination of signs in the exponents since we arrive at a representation of the Kronecker delta to kill the summations. Furthermore, there needs to be a relative sign between the two exponents. Is this due to the fact ones a creation operator and the other and annihilation? So:
$$G(\vec{k}_a,\vec{k}_b;t)=\frac{1}{N^2}\sum_{i,j}e^{\mp i\vec{x}_i\vec{k}_a} e^{\pm i\vec{x}_j\vec{k}_b}G(i,j;t)$$
The signs are not independent here! Am I thinking of something wrong here or is there a good reason for doing this? Please do not tell me another method of doing this problem since I am more than likely aware. I need to adapt this to a case where there is no analytic solution. Thanks for any clarifications in advanced!