I was reading about conformal defects, when I came across the following:
Consider some free massless scalar field in 1+1 dimension $\phi(x,t)$ living on a world sheet seperated by some defect at $x=0$ and and Energy-Momentum tensor given by $$T_{xt} = T_{++}-T_{--} =\partial_x \phi \partial_t \phi$$ where $x^{\pm} = t \pm x , \partial_\pm = \frac{1}{2}(\partial_t \pm \partial_x)$.
Then the conformal transformations leaving the $x=0$ worldline invariant are generated by the operators $$(f(x^+)T_{++} - f(x^-)T_{--})$$
I am not sure how to see/prove this. Does generator here mean that the operator given by $exp(-ia(f(x^+)T_{++} - f(x^-)T_{--})$ with $a$ some constant, acting on some function $f(x^\mu)$ does not change it's value at $x=0$ ?