I know the annihilation operator has eigen-states
$\hat{\alpha} |\alpha \rangle = {\alpha} |\alpha \rangle $
I also know the creation operator $\alpha^{\dagger}$ has no eigenstates. Is the following a correct proof of this fact
The annihilation operator has eigen-states
$\hat{\alpha} |\alpha \rangle = {\alpha} |\alpha \rangle $
Let's suppose the creation operator did infact have eigen-states as follows
$\hat{\alpha}^{\dagger} |\beta \rangle = {\beta} |\beta \rangle $
Taking dagger on both sides I get
$\langle \beta | \hat{\alpha} = {\beta^{*}} \langle \beta | $
But this implies $|\beta\rangle$ is an eigen-state of $\hat{\alpha}$ with eigen-value $\beta^{*}$
Now since $\hat{\alpha}$ and $\hat{\alpha}^{\dagger}$ do not commute, hence they share no similar eigen-states, hence this contradicts the assumption that the $\hat{\alpha}^{\dagger}$ has eigen-states.