In the Schwarzschild metrics (Plank units): $$ds^2=-\left(1-\frac{2m}{r}\right)dt^2+\left(1-\frac{2m}{r}\right)^{-1}dr^2+r^2\left(d\theta^2+\sin^{2}\theta d\phi^{2}\right),$$ we can have a Black Hole (from here SBH) if $m>0$ or a Naked Singularity (from here SNS) if $m<0$, from definition a Naked Singularity is a curvature singularity without any event horizon.
Denoting with $A$ the area of the event horizon, the 2nd Law of Black Hole Mechanics states that any process involving a Black Hole must have $\delta A>0$, this is implies that a SBH cannot bifurcate in two SBH.
I did a bit of math and theoretically a SBH can bifurcate in a NSN plus a SBH, it seems a bit strange so I think that there is an error but I can't found where, here is the derivation:
Starting with a SBH with $A_3=4\pi(2 M_3)^2$ it can bifurcate in a NSN with mass $-|M_1|$ (it has area $A_1=0$) plus a SBH with $A_2=4\pi(2 M_2)^2$.
Has stated we must have $\delta A\geq 0$, i.e: $A_{3}\leq A_2+A_1=A_2$ or using the equation for the areas: $(M_3)^2\leq(M_2)^2$.
Energy also has to be conserved so $M_3=-|M_1|+M_2+E_{\text{rad}}$, and from $M_2 \geq M_3$ it becomes: $M_2\geq-|M_1|+M_2+E_{\text{rad}}$ i.e. the only real restriction is: $|M_1| \geq E_{\text{rad}}$.
So it seems that a SBH should naturally radiates gravitational energy and "emitting" SNS until it eventually expires.