Lets assume that we have sourceless anisotropic medium with $\epsilon_1 , \epsilon_2,\epsilon_3 $ as the diagonal values. Also assume $\vec{k}=k_z\hat{z}$ and $e^{i \omega t} e^{-i \vec{k} \cdot \vec{r}}$ form.
We have $\vec{k} \cdot \vec{D} = 0 \implies \vec{k} \cdot \underline{\underline{\epsilon}} \vec{E} = 0 \implies k_z \epsilon_3 E_z = 0 $.
From the curl equations and the fact that from above $E_z = 0$ and $\vec{k} \cdot \vec{E} = 0$,then we have $\vec{E} k_z^2 = \omega \mu^2_0 \underline{\underline{\epsilon}} \vec{E}$ which implies $E_x k_z^2 = \omega^2 \mu_0 \epsilon_1 E_x$ and $E_y k_z^2 = \omega^2 \mu_0 \epsilon_2 E_y$
So is this saying that the wave can only propagate in two modes? One where $E_x=0, E_y \neq 0$ and one where $E_y=0, E_x \neq 0$? For if there were a nonzero $x$ and $y$ component then $k_z^2$ would equal two different values.