Textbook: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 3rd Ed. (Griffiths and Schroeter)
I am an undergrad studying quantum physics for the first time (on the second trimester). We are on Chapter 5 of the Griffiths. In section 5.3.1, Griffiths introduces the Sommerfield "electron gas" model of the solid. After solving the Schrodinger equation and finding the form of the energy, Griffiths claims
If you imagine a three/dimensional space, with axis $k_x,k_y,k_z$, and planes drawn in at $k_x = \frac{n\pi}{l_x},k_y = \frac{n\pi}{l_y},k_z = \frac{n\pi}{l_z}$, each intersection point represents a distinct (one particle) stationary state. Each block in this grid, and hence also each state, occupies a volume $$\frac{\pi^3}{V}$$
I don't see why "Each block in this grid, and hence also each state, occupies a volume" $$\frac{\pi^3}{V}$$.