Imagine I have a vaccuum at very low temperature and I put a single neutron in, then gamma rays interact to form matter-antimatter pairs within this vaccuum and assume that this happens extremely close to the aforementioned neutron. Since the matter-antimatter pair has mass, there would be a small amount of curvature in spacetime. Would the neutron follow the geodesic created? If so, this means that there was work applied onto the neutron from no initial force. Which would mean a violation in the conservation of energy/force. What is the flaw in this situation?
If the mass of the neutron >>> mass of electron/positron is the issue, then replace the neutron with an electron. Here there would also be either an attractive or repelling electromagnetic force depending on orientation, which still leads to my point.
I am still in high school, so I have a very limited understanding of these topics, sorry for my naivety. But so far the teachers I have asked have not given me a satisfactory response yet.