I'm struggling with linear algebra. Specifically, understanding the following:
$\newcommand{\ket}[1]{|#1\rangle}$ Suppose $A:V \rightarrow W$ is a linear operator between vector spaces $V$ and $W$. Suppose $\ket{v_1},\ldots,\ket{v_m}$ is a basis for $V$ and $\ket{w_1}, \ldots, \ket{w_n}$ is a basis for $W$. Then for each $j$ in the range $1,\ldots,m$, there exist complex numbers $A_{1j}$ through $A_{nj}$ such that
$$ A\ket{v_j} = \sum_i A_{ij} \ket{w_i}. $$
I understand that $A \ket{v_j}$ is a vector in $W$. I also understand that we can write any vector in $W$ as a linear combination of the basis vectors $\ket{w_1}, \ldots, \ket{w_n}$. I don't understand how that corresponds to the matrix form of $A$ and am overall lacking intuition for what's going on here.
Can someone help give me intuition for what the above means? Also, suggestions on books/videos/lectures/etc are also appreciated.