It is often said that NRQM is one dimensional QFT. The Haag-Kastler axioms for QFT should apply to NRQM also then.*
So, for the NRQM system $L^2\left(\mathbb{R}^3\right)$ with time evolution given by $$U_t = \exp\left(-itH\right)$$ $$ = \exp\left(-it\frac{p^2}{2m}\right)$$ $$ = \exp\left(it\frac{\Delta}{2m}\right)$$ What is the corresponding net of algebras? I would have thought that the spacetime regions $\mathcal{O}$ would become time intervals $\left[t,t'\right]$ but then I'm not sure what the algebra of observables of this region should be.
Obviously, the locality axiom about space-like separated regions having commuting algebras is trivial here.
*If the starred statement at the top is wrong, can you explain this?