I have a beginner question on solid state physics:
GaAs has phonon dispersion spectrum that looks so:
the horizontal axis parametrizes the wave numer values $k$, therefore it seems plasible that the direction axis of $ \vec{k} $ is fixed in the whole diagram. In other words $k=\vert \vec{k} \vert$.
On the other hand $\Gamma, X, U, K, L$ represent different directions in the $k$-space: see here
Therefore I'm a bit confused what is parametrized by horizontal axis.
Or does every connected path in the diagram correspond to a special direction $\frac{\vec{k}} {\vert \vec{k} \vert}$ for example $X, K$ or $L$? If it is so, then which path belongs to which direction $\frac{\vec{k}} {\vert \vec{k} \vert}$?
Could somebody explain how to read/understand what is going on at the parametrization of the $k$-axis? What do the big letters on the bottom say? $L - \Gamma - X - U,K - \Gamma$.
Does it mean that firstly we start at point $L$ of the $\vec{k}$-space and go along the straight line to $\Gamma =(0,0,0)$ (thus along the direction $\vec{k}_{\Gamma}- \vec{k}_L$), then - after arriving at $\Gamma$, we change the direction to $\vec{k}_X -\vec{k}_{\Gamma}$ an go along it until we arrive point $X$ and so on?
What happens between $X$ and $U,K$?