A simple calculation shows the power $P$ you can get from wind at speed $v$ passing through an area $A$ is (in Watts) $$P = 1.23\,v^3 \frac{A}{2}.$$
Using the above equation and taking the Venturi Effect in a very simple way, we know that half the area would produce wind with twice the speed i.e. if you collect the fluid at $v_1$ through a tube of cross-section area $A_1$, then you get $2v_1$ if the cross-section area is reduced to $A_1/2$.
So instead of collecting from an area A, you could divide the area by ten for example, and get a 10 times faster wind speed. From there and the power get from wind you have infinite power :D. A fan could be an infinite source of energy (after it has been initiated).
So I suppose I am missing a point. My question is what am I misssing?
(I guess the pressure needed to "push" the air through a tunnel would be so much that the fan would just do nothing or you would need that much energy to fight that.)