This question is related to this Helicity states.
Suppose we have $k=[\omega,0,0,\omega]$.
In Weinberg's book The Quantum Theory of Fields: Volume I he defines the state
$|k,\sigma\rangle$ as an eigenstate of the operator $J_{3}$ that is
where ${\mathbf{J }}=(J_1,J_2,J_3)$ are the rotation generators.
Since the 3 momentum and the 3 component of the angular momentum are pointing in the same direction this is a state of helecity $\sigma$.
Then he was able to show that under a Lorentz transformation, a massless particle state should transform like this: $$U(\Lambda)|k,\sigma\rangle=e^{i\theta\sigma}| \Lambda k,\sigma\rangle.$$ Now before the Lorentz transformation we had $$J_3(|k\rangle\otimes |\sigma \rangle)=|k\rangle\otimes J_3|\sigma \rangle=\sigma(|k\rangle\otimes |\sigma \rangle)=\sigma|k,\sigma\rangle$$
Now after Lorentz transformation since parameter $\sigma$ does not change shouldn't we have $$J_3(|\Lambda k\rangle\otimes |\sigma \rangle)=|\Lambda k\rangle\otimes J_3|\sigma \rangle=\sigma(|\Lambda k\rangle\otimes |\sigma \rangle)=\sigma|\Lambda k,\sigma\rangle$$ ?
My main problem is this, if before the Lorentz transformation we had $ | k\rangle\ \otimes J_3|\sigma \rangle= |k\rangle\ \otimes \sigma|\sigma \rangle$ since under Lorentz transformation in the direct product state, only the momentum part change $$\Lambda(| k\rangle\otimes |\sigma \rangle=e^{i\theta\sigma}|\Lambda k\rangle\otimes |\sigma \rangle$$
and since $J_3$ acts only on the spin part, why $$J_3(|\Lambda k\rangle\otimes |\sigma \rangle)=|\Lambda k\rangle\otimes J_3|\sigma \rangle\neq \sigma(|\Lambda k\rangle\otimes |\sigma \rangle)$$ ?
Isn't this like saying that $J_3|\sigma \rangle=\sigma|\sigma \rangle$ and that $J_3|\sigma \rangle \neq \sigma|\sigma \rangle$?
Can anyone give me a mathematical proof why $J_3|\Lambda k,\sigma\rangle \neq \sigma|\Lambda k,\sigma\rangle$?