I am confused about, what I believe, refers to passive and active transformations in QM. What I have understood so far is that the matrix elements $\langle \psi| \hat{H}|\phi\rangle$ should remain unchanged under transformations; this implies that $\hat{H} = \hat{U}^\dagger \hat{H} \hat{U}$.
On the other hand, under certain transformation $\hat{U}$, an arbitrary operator $\hat{\Omega}$ transforms as $\hat{U} \hat{\Omega} \hat{U}^\dagger$.
1) Why should the matrix elements of the hamiltonian remain unchanged under a transformation? Is that the same as saying: "The evolution of the state is governed by the hamiltonian; under a transformation the system should still evolve in the same way, hence the matrix elements should be conserverd"?
2) What does $\hat{H} = \hat{U}^\dagger \hat{H} \hat{U}$ mean? Is that talking about how the hamiltonian transforms? Or is it only a condition on the transformation $\hat{U}$?
3) What is $\hat{\Omega} \to \hat{U} \hat{\Omega} \hat{U}^\dagger$ opposed $\hat{U}|\phi\rangle$. Does an active transformation mean applying $\hat{U}$ to every state, while a passive transformation is leaving vectors as they are and transforming the opeartors as $\hat{\Omega} \to \hat{U} \hat{\Omega} \hat{U}^\dagger$? Or does applying a transformation mean doing both of the above?