My question stems from the preliminary discussion of the electron vertex function found in section 6.2 of Peskin and Schroeder's Introduction to Quantum Field Theory.
Specifically, they calculate the amplitude for electron scattering from an external potential, taken to be electrostatic and slowly varying. The corresponding potential (by comparison with the Born approximation) is
$$ V(\mathbf{x}) = e F_1(0) \phi(\mathbf{x}) \tag{1} \label{eq1} $$
where $\phi$ is the electrostatic potential and $F_1(q^2)$ is one of the form factors appearing in the vertex function ($q^\mu$ is the momentum of the photon line in the relevant diagrams).
The book goes on to say (emphasis added)
Thus $F_1(0)$ is the charge of the electron, in units of $e$. Since $F_1(0) = 1$ already in the leading order of perturbation theory, radiative corrections to $F_1(q^2)$ should vanish at $q^2 = 0$.
Why must radiative corrections to $F_1(q^2)$ vanish on-shell? Is it because (1) is the definition of the electron's charge, and thus by definition $F_1(0) = 1$?