I'm reading this [math/9802054] paper on the structure of the phase space of Chern-Simons TQFT. I'm stuck at the definition of the classical $r$-matrix, which goes as follows:
This might sound dumb, but I don't understand what $r_{12}$, $r_{23}$, $r_{13}$, $r_{21}$ is. I could greatly benefit from an illustrating example.
Equation (15) suggests that $r_{12}$ and $r_{21}$ from equation (14) can be defined as $r$ and its transpose. But I suspect that $r_{12}$ from equation (13) is different, and probably has smth to do with higher tensor powers of $\mathfrak{g}$, but I simply couldn't come up with a meaningful definition. This is embarassingly confusing.