I think I got it. According to the paper 1968ApJ.The Astrophysical
Journal,Vol. 154,December 1968. NOTES ON THE PRESENT TEMPERATURE OF
PRIMORDIAL BLACK-BODY GRAVITATIONAL RADIATION, the temperature of the graviton black-body background should be
$$T_g(BB, now)=T_\gamma (CMB,now) \left(\dfrac{2}{N}\right)^{1/3}$$
and where $N$ is the number of modes available at the time of decoupling from gravity. Weinberg, in his book on Cosmology and Gravitation, also writes this formula and gives a differente estimate of N. In the above paper, $N\sim 13$, while Weinberg gives $N\sim 26$. Accordingly to these references, the uncertainty comes from:
- The absence of any equation of state for those temperatures and densities.
- The uncertainty between the number of particle species (fermions counted as 7/8 of a particle). The known SM gives (counting particles and antiparticles): photon, W⁺, W⁻, Z, gluon (5 d.o.f.); (7/8)(24), since we have 24 fermions, counted with different antiparticles. Here I would highlight that if neutrino are identical to antineutrinos (if Majorana!), instead it would be (7/8)(21). Thus, assuming only SM, we would obtain:
i) $T_g\sim 1.16K$, if neutrinos are Dirac (different to antineutrinos), and Weinberg value.
ii) $T_g\sim 1.43K$, if neutrinos are Dirac and Alpher value.
iii) $T_g\sim 1.2K$ IF neutrinos are Majorana, using Weinberg values.
- Inflation. I presume that the presence of inflation (scalar fields or any other field, e.g., a 3-form, 2-form, 1-form fields or general...) alters the number $N$ AFTER inflation, so it could dilute completely the black-body graviton spectrum.
I think that is what I wanted to understand...Indeed, after reading all these papers...Despite this answer, am I right if I say that the non-observation of a graviton black-body spectrum is a good thing since it hints at hidden particle states at "high enough" energy?
Extra comment: using 0.8K gives about 79 (80) for N, and using 0.9K you get N=56. I wonder the meaning of this for particle physics. But, understanding the previous readings, it points out to more particle species if a low T graviton background is detected! Is this right? Is this the reason because this background is important (similarly to the neutrino cosmic background that can smell new -sterile- particle species)?
Addendum: for 10 microyoctokelvin, we get $N\sim 4\times 10^{88}$. what kind of theory predicts such a big number of degrees of freedom?