In another Phys.SE question, I've proposed the next-cited proof of this statement:
the momentum matrix elements in position representation, $\langle x'|\hat{p}|x\rangle$, are all not null
I'm limiting to one particle in one dimension. This is the proof:
The last part of the proof is show that $\hat{p}$ operators contains all the off-diagonal elements; I give you one attempt, but is a little bit sloppy (and maybe the statement is false, but I don't find literature about, so I'll ask another question on this point):
- $\hat{p}$ has at least one off-diagonal element, else it commutes with $\hat{x}$ and it isn't;
- $\hat{p}$ is invariant under reference translations (think on it's eigenstates $\langle x | p \rangle = \varphi_p (x) = exp(\frac{ixp}{\hbar})$), so it matrix elements depends only on the "distance" $x - x'$ (and it's sign, because it has to be hermitian)
- under scale transformations of positions $\hat{p} \rightarrow \lambda \hat{p}$ (think again on the action on its eigenstates)
so if one elements is not null also the others has to be not null, because their distance can be reduce to the one of the not-null elements with a scale transformation.
My question is: is the statement true? and is the proof correct? If not, but the statement is true, can you give me a right proof? Else, can you show me where I'm making a mistake?