Consider the usual two-dimensional harmonic oscillator (2D HO) with the Hamiltonian $$ H = -\frac{1}{2}\nabla_x^2 + \frac{1}{2}x^2 -\frac{1}{2}\nabla_y^2 + \frac{1}{2}y^2. $$ In Cartesian coordinates, the solution is a family of states $$ |n_x\rangle |n_y\rangle, $$ where the labels $n_x$ and $n_y$ correspond to the number of excitations of the one-dimensional HOs. On the other hand, solving in polar coordinates, one obtains instead a family of states $$ |n,m\rangle, $$ where now these states are also eigenstates of the angular momentum operator with the eigenvalue $m$.
How to switch between the two families of solutions? In other words, what is the decomposition $$ |n,m\rangle = \sum_{n_x,n_y} c_{n,m,n_x,n_y} |n_x\rangle |n_y\rangle? $$
I know that for example $$ c_{0,0,0,0}=1 $$ and $$ c_{0,1,1,0}=1/\sqrt{2}, \quad c_{0,1,0,1}=1/\sqrt{2}, $$ but is there perhaps a table somewhere, or a systematic procedure to obtain this decomposition for arbitrary states?