Background: In any adiabatic quantum computer (AQC) algorithm, we solve problems in the following manner: We have an initial Hamiltonian, $H_{0}$, whose ground state is easy to find, and a problem Hamiltonian $H_{P}$, whose ground state encodes the solution to our problem. If we then evolve our AQC for a time $T$ so that its energy is described by the Hamiltonian $$H(t) = (1-t/T)H_{0} + (t/T)H_{P}$$ then provided a couple of conditions apply, the system will be in the ground state of $H_{P}$ at time $T$ (and voila, we would have a solution to our problem)
Question: If we just set up the AQC so its energy is initially described by the Hamiltonian $H_{P}$, why wouldn't the system just 'fall' into its ground state (encoding a solution to our problem immediately)? Why do we need to evolve the AQC from the initial Hamiltonian $H_{0}$ into $H_{P}$?