Background: The quantum annealing process performed by the D-Wave machines is described as follows: We have a problem Hamiltonian, $H_{P}$, whose ground state encodes the solution to a problem of interest, and a 'disordering' Hamiltonian, $H'$, which does not commute with $H_{P}$. The energy of the D-Wave system can be described by the Hamiltonian $H = H_{P} + \Gamma H'$, where $\Gamma$ changes from a large value to $0$ throughout the computation, so that $H=H_{P}$ at our computation's completion.
Question: What state is the system set up in (so what is $H(0)$)? Is it an easy to encode Hamiltonian, such as the one used in adiabatic quantum computing (normally labelled $H_{0}$)? Or my other guess would be that $\Gamma$ is initially $0$, so $H=H_{P}$ initially, and then $\Gamma$ is increased to enable 'quantum tunneling' through barriers separating local minima (to help the system get into its ground state), and then $\Gamma$ is slowly decreased to $0$ again.