A particle in box problem can be simplified to second order differential equation as:
$$ -\frac{d^2}{dx^2}\psi(x)=E\psi(x) $$
with the boundary conditions: $$ \psi(1)=\psi(0)=0 $$
The goal is to find the energy $E$ (independent of x) and the wavefunction $\psi(x)$, where $0<x<1$.
The usual method is to guess an energy $E'$, then start from $x=0$ and advance a small step $dx$ until reach $x=1$. Check if $\psi(1)=0$. If it is , the guess is right, else re-guess.
My question is how to advance, since this is a second order differential equation, we need to know $\psi(0)$ and $\psi'(0)$ to advance. However, nothing about $\psi'(0)$ is provided.
My opinion is that we can not manually set $\psi'(0)=1$ or such, since this is explicitly assume that we are in ground states.