I am confused about principal axes of inertia.
Consider the compount pendulum in the picture, made of a rectangular plate. I oscillates about a horizontal axis $\hat{a}$ passing through $A$. The center of mass is in $C$.
On my book it is claimed that, since $\hat{a}$ is parallel to $\hat{c}$ (the axis passing through the cm), which is a principal axis of inertia (it is a symmetry axis), $\hat{a}$ is a principal axis of inertia too. Hence the angular momentum of the compound pendulum, $\vec{L}$ is totally parallel to the axis of rotation $\hat{a}$.
I don't get this: $A$ is not an axis of simmetry, but it is a principal axis of inertia, just because it is parallel to another one? How can that be?