Question: We need to find, the angular momentum of the assembly, about the Center of mass.
As per Kleppner and Kolenkow, the general Expression for $\vec{L}$ about any point is: $$\vec{L_{p}}=I_1\vec\omega_1+I_2\vec\omega_2+I_3\vec\omega_3$$ where $I_1,I_2,I_3$ are moments of inertia about the principal axes. As far as I understand, these "principal axes" pass through though the point P.
However, an (although excellent) blog post:, under the heading truth of part A, selects the principal axes in such a way that two of them dont pass through the center of mass!
Am I incorrect in my understanding that all 3 principal axes must pass through the point? Was there any reason to chose the principal axes (the 2 except the axis symmetry), that dont pass through the point?