From what I am understanding, there is entanglement in a system if there is a correlation between elements of that system. For an example that I found, If you have only two cards and know that one is red and one is black, if they are both face down and you choose one, by knowing the color of the card just chosen, you know the color of the other card. Hence these cards are 'entangled' (please correct me if I am wrong).
Now this 'correlation/entanglement' seems to be relevent only in respect to some 'reference' knowledge, that is, it is only because we know there is a correlation between cards that we can judge that the other card has to be a particular color. So this comes down, at least in part, to knowledge about the system.
So If I have a logical system, say B = Black and R = Red where upon measurement I have B XOR R where XOR is Exclusive OR, then could I say that B and R are logically entangled over XOR? I say XOR and not OR as we can not not pick (measure) both B and R simultaneously
Furthermore, if I have an equal chance of picking either B or R before measurement would it be correct to say that B and R are in a superposition? That is, the valuation of B and the valuation of R (measuring B to be true [picked] or R to be true [picked]) are in a superposition?