I initially wanted to recreate the little dancing dots android lollipop's boot animation in javascript:
For that, I've implemented a 3d $n$-body simulation (with css and js): http://codepen.io/abernier/pen/QyNzxY
Everything works pretty well actually, I can add planets (fixed or not), a mass for each and initial velocities.
My problem is I really don't know what initial conditions to be set in order to reecreate that movement...
After some research on the web, it seems to be called a $n$-body choreography: http://gminton.org/#choreo
I also saw this interestings 3d choreographies: http://www.matapp.unimib.it/~ferrario/mov/index.html which look close to what I'm looking for... particularly this one (except it has only 3 bodies):
Does anyone would know the one Google has used to make this animation?