We went a little off topic in physics class today and my teacher was explaining how quantum physics explains the idea of parallel universes. She believes in a idea called many world interpretation where the universe consist of timelines that continuously splits leading to an $\infty $ of parallel universes. She says that it is because particles have wave properties and waves can be in two places at once. So all particles appear in multiple places, but in its own universe. I want to know how does physics explain this theory of parallel universes? I understand the timeline concept, but not the physics. Any explanation will be very much appreciated!
If we are made out of particles then we exhibit wavelike characteristics, right? So, then can theoretically(if quantum theory is proven to be true) be an infinite number of particles that are us, just in different parallel universes which we can't observe?
Can anyone explain to me the physics behind this MVI? I will try to follow each and every answer to the best of my ability.
Below is a picture of the timeline! It keeps on splitting and we remain on one, other version of ourself remain on others? :
Side Note:I looked at wikipedia, but it only refers to a wave function and doesn't give a concrete understanding