In exercise I.7.3 of A. Zee's QFT in a Nutshell, we have to draw all the Feynman diagrams of the scalar theory
$$ Z(J) = \int D\varphi e^{i\int d^4x\{\frac 12[(\partial\varphi)^2-m^2\varphi^2]-(\lambda/4!)\varphi^4+J\varphi\}} $$
describing two mesons producing four mesons up to and including order $\lambda^2$.
I came up with ten different diagrams a)-j) so far:
I think that only diagrams a)-g) are correct, since in h)-j) there seems to be a violation of conservation of energy: There are vacuum bubbles that "come to life"; particles are created "out of nothing".
However, I cannot find any rules in the book that tell me that these three diagrams are invalid.
- Am I correct that only a)-g) are correct Feynman diagrams for the problem at hand?
- What exact rules are there that tell me which Feynman diagrams are valid and which are not?