I) Off-shell vs. on-shell action. What may cause some confusion is that Noether's theorem in its original formulation only refers to the off-shell action functional
$$ I[q;t_i,t_f]~:=~ \int_{t_i}^{t_f}\! {\rm d}t \ L(q(t),\dot{q}(t),t), \tag{1}$$
while Feynman's proof [1]$^1$ mostly is referring to the Dirichlet on-shell action function
$$ S(q_f,t_f;q_i,t_i)~:=~I[q_{\rm cl};t_i,t_f], \tag{2}$$
where $q_{\rm cl}:[t_i,t_f] \to \mathbb{R}$ is the extremal/classical path, which satisfies the equation of motion (e.o.m.)
$$\frac{\delta I}{\delta q}
~:=~\frac{\partial L}{\partial q}
- \frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt} \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}~\approx~ 0,\tag{3}$$
with the Dirichlet boundary conditions
$$ q(t_i)~=~q_i \qquad \text{and}\qquad q(t_f)~=~q_f.\tag{4}$$
See also, e.g. this Phys.SE answer. [Here, the $\approx$ symbol means equality modulo e.o.m. The words on-shell and off-shell refer to whether e.o.m. are satisfied or not.]
II) Noether's theorem. Let us recall the setting of Noether's theorem. The off-shell action is assumed to be invariant
$$I[q^{\prime};t^{\prime}_i,t^{\prime}_f]~=~ I[q;t_i,t_f] \tag{5} $$
under an infinitesimal global variation
$$\begin{align} t^{\prime}-t~=~&\delta t~=~\varepsilon X(t)
\cr \text{and}&\cr
q^{\prime}(t^{\prime})- q(t)~=~& \delta q(t) ~=~ \varepsilon Y(t).\end{align}\tag{6}$$
Here $X$ is a horizontal$^2$ generator, $Y$ is a generator, and $\varepsilon$ is an infinitesimal parameter that is independent of $t$.
Noether's theorem. The off-shell symmetry (5) implies that the Noether charge
$$ Q~:=~p Y - h X \tag{7}$$
is conserved in time
$$ \frac{\mathrm dQ}{\mathrm dt}~\approx~0\tag{8}$$
$$ p~:=~\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}} \qquad \text{and}\qquad
h~:=~p\dot{q}-L \tag{9}$$
are, by definition, the momentum and the energy function, respectively.
III) Assumptions. Let us assume$^3$:
that the Lagrangian $L(q,v,t)$ is a smooth function of its arguments $q$, $v$, and $t$.
that there exists a unique classical path $q_{\rm cl}:[t_i,t_f] \to \mathbb{R}$ for each set $(q_f,t_f;q_i,t_i)$ of boundary values.
that the classical path $q_{\rm cl}$ depends smoothly on the boundary values $(q_f,t_f;q_i,t_i)$.
IV) Differential ${\rm d}S$.
Lemma. The Dirichlet on-shell action function $S(q_f,t_f;q_i,t_i)$ is a smooth function of its arguments $(q_f,t_f;q_i,t_i)$. The differential is
$$\begin{align} {\rm d}S(q_f,t_f;q_i,t_i)
~=~& (p_f {\rm d}q_f - h_f {\rm d}t_f)\cr
~-~&(p_i {\rm d}q_i - h_i {\rm d}t_i), \end{align}\tag{10}$$
or equivalently,
$$ \frac{\partial S}{\partial q_f}~=~p_f , \qquad \frac{\partial S}{\partial q_i}~=~-p_i, \tag{11}$$
$$ \frac{\partial S}{\partial t_f}~=~-h_f, \qquad \frac{\partial S}{\partial t_i}~=~h_i. \tag{12}$$
Proof of eq. $(11)$:
^ q
| ____________________________
| | q*_cl |
| | |
| |____________________________|
| q_cl
|------|----------------------------|-----> t
t_i t_f
Fig. 1. Two neighbouring classical paths $q_{\rm cl}$ and $q^{*}_{\rm cl}$.
Consider a vertical infinitesimal variation $\delta q$ between two neighbouring classical paths $q_{\rm cl}$ and $q^{*}_{\rm cl}=q_{\rm cl}+\delta q$, cf. Fig.1. The change in the Lagrangian is
$$\begin{align} \delta L
~=~& \frac{\partial L}{\partial q} \delta q
+ \frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}} \delta \dot{q}\cr
~\stackrel{(3)+(9)}{=}& \frac{\delta I}{\delta q} \delta q
+ \frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}(p~\delta q)\cr
\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dt}(p~\delta q),
so that
$$\begin{align} \delta S ~\stackrel{(2)}{\approx}~&\delta I \cr
\int_{t_i}^{t_f}\! {\rm d}t ~\delta L\cr
[p~\delta q]_{t_i}^{t_f}\cr
~=~&p_f~\delta q_f- p_i~\delta q_i. \end{align}\tag{14}$$
This proves eq. $(11)$.
Proof of eq. $(12)$:
^ q
| /|
| / |
| / |
q_f|---------------/ |
| /| |
| / | |
| q_cl/ | |
| / | |
q_i|----------/ | |
| /| | |
| / | | |
| / | | |
q*_i|------/ | | |
| | | | |
|------|---|----|---|-----> t
t*_i t_i t_f t*_f
Fig. 2. The classical path $q_{\rm cl}$.
Next consider the classical path $q_{\rm cl}$ between $(t_i,q_i)$ and $(t_f,q_f)$, cf. Fig. 2. Imagine that we infinitesimally extend both ends of the time interval $[t_i,t_f]$ to $[t^{*}_i,t^{*}_f]$, where
$$\begin{align}\delta t_i~:=~&t^{*}_i - t_i
\delta t_f~:=~&t^{*}_f - t_f
both are infinitesimally small. This induces a change of the boundary positions $(4)$ of the fixed classical path $q_{\rm cl}$ as follows
$$\begin{align} \delta q_i~:=~& q^{*}_i - q_i~=~\dot{q}_i ~\delta t_i
\cr \text{and}&\cr
\delta q_f~:=~& q^{*}_f - q_f~=~\dot{q}_f ~\delta t_f,\end{align}\tag{16}$$
which are dictated by the end point velocities. We would now like to calculate the variation
$$\begin{align} &S(q^{*}_f,t^{*}_f;q^{*}_i,t^{*}_i) - S(q_f,t_f;q_i,t_i)\cr
~=~~&\delta S\cr
~\stackrel{(11)}{=}~&p_f \delta q_f +\frac{\partial S}{\partial t_f} \delta t_f -p_i \delta q_i + \frac{\partial S}{\partial t_i}\delta t_i \cr
~\stackrel{(16)}{=}~&\left(p_f \dot{q}_f +\frac{\partial S}{\partial t_f}\right) \delta t_f \cr
&-\left(p_i \dot{q}_i - \frac{\partial S}{\partial t_i}\right)\delta t_i.
Since the new classical path is just an infinitesimal extension of the same old classical path, we may also estimate the variation as
$$\begin{align} \delta S~=~&S(q^{*}_f,t^{*}_f;q_f,t_f)+S(q_i,t_i;q^{*}_i,t^{*}_i)\cr
~=~& L_f \delta t_f - L_i \delta t_i.\end{align}\tag{18}$$
Comparing eqs. $(9)$, $(17)$ and $(18)$ yields eq. $(12)$.
Corollary. The Dirichlet on-shell action along an infinitesimal path segment generated by the infinitesimal symmetry transformation $(6)$ is proportional to the Noether charge
$$ S(q_i+\delta q,t_i+\delta t;q_i,t_i)~=~\varepsilon Q_i. \tag{19}$$
Proof of the Corollary:
S(q_i+\delta q,t_i+\delta t;q_i,t_i)
~\stackrel{(10)}{=}~&p_i\delta q -h_i \delta t\cr
~\stackrel{(6)}{=}~&\varepsilon(p_i Y -h_i X) \cr
~\stackrel{(7)}{=}~&\varepsilon Q_i.\end{align}\tag{20}$$
V) Feynman's four-point argument. We are finally ready to discuss Feynman's four-point argument.
^ q
| A' B'
| _______________________________
| | q' |
| | |
| | |
| |_______________________________|
| A classical/on-shell q_cl B
|----------------------------------------------------> t
Fig. 3. Feynman's four points. (Note that the two horizontal and the two vertical straight ASCII lines are in general an oversimplification of the actual paths.)
We start with the on-shell action
$$ S(A\to B)~=~I(A\to B)\tag{21}$$
for some classical path $q_{\rm cl}$ between two spacetime events $A$ and $B$. We then apply the infinitesimal transformation $(6)$ to produce a path $q^{\prime}$ between two infinitesimally shifted spacetime events $A^{\prime}$ and $B^{\prime}$. In turn, the path $q^{\prime}$ has an off-shell action
$$ I(A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime})~=~I(A\to B)\tag{22}$$
equal to the original action due to the off-shell symmetry $(5)$.
VI) Method 1: Using that $q^{\prime}$ is a classical path. The off-shell symmetry $(5)$ implies that the path $q^{\prime}$ is, in fact, a classical path too, cf. e.g. this Phys.SE post. So we also have
$$ S(A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime})~=~I(A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime}),\tag{23}$$
cf. assumption 2. Since the Dirchlet on-shell action $(2)$ is supposed to be differentiable in its arguments, cf. the Lemma, we have
$$\begin{align}0~\stackrel{(22)}{=}~~&I(A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime})-I(A\to B)\cr ~\stackrel{(21)+(23)}{=}&
S(A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime})-S(A\to B)\cr
S(B\to B^{\prime}) -S(A\to A^{\prime})+{\cal O}(\varepsilon^2)\cr
\varepsilon (Q_f-Q_i)+{\cal O}(\varepsilon^2).\end{align}\tag{24}$$
We arrive at the main conclusion of Noether's theorem,
namely that the Noether charge is conserved,
$$ Q_f~=~Q_i.\tag{25}$$
VII) Method 2: Not using that $q^{\prime}$ is a classical path. This method 2 tries to follow more faithfully Feynman's proof in the sense that we would like to make sense of the shifted path $A\to A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime}\to B$. Unfortunately, the two infinitesimal pieces $A\to A^{\prime}$ and $B^{\prime}\to B$ (which we will choose to be classical paths) may correspond to constant time. [The time-integration in the definition $(1)$ of the off-shell action $I(A\to A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime}\to B)$ would not make sense in case of constant time.] In such cases, we replace Feynman's four points with six points, i.e. we extend infinitesimally the original classical path $A\to B$ to a classical path $A^{*}\to B^{*}$ in such a way that the two new infinitesimal paths $A^{*}\to A^{\prime}$ and $B^{\prime}\to B^{*}$ (which we also will choose to be classical paths) do both not correspond to constant time.
^ q
| A' B'
| ________________________________
| /| |\
| / | | \
| / | | \
| A* /___|_______________________________|___\ B*
| A classical/on-shell q_cl B
|----------------------------------------------------> t
Fig. 4. Six points.
We can now apply Feynman's argument to paths between $A^{*}$ and $B^{*}$. Since the virtual path $A^{*}\to A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime}\to B^{*}$ is an infinitesimal variation of the classical path $A^{*}\to A\to B\to B^{*}$, we conclude that the difference
$$\begin{align}&S(A^{*}\to A^{\prime})+I(A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime})+S(B^{\prime}\to B^{*})\cr
&-S(A^{*}\to A)-S(A\to B)-S(B\to B^{*})\cr
~=~&I(A^*\to A^{\prime}\to B^{\prime}\to B^*)\cr
&-S(A^*\to A\to B\to B^*)\cr
~=~&{\cal O}(\varepsilon^2)\end{align}\tag{26}$$
cannot contain contributions linear in $\varepsilon$.
We next apply the Lemma and Corollary from Section 4. The six infinitesimal classical paths mentioned so far are all described by the differential $(10)$, which is linear and hence obeys a (co-)vector addition rule. Therefore
$$\begin{align} S(A^{*}\to A^{\prime})-S(A^{*}\to A) +{\cal O}(\varepsilon^2)
~\stackrel{(10)}{=}~&S(A\to A^{\prime})\cr
~\stackrel{(19)}{=}~&\varepsilon Q_i, \tag{27}\cr
S(B\to B^{*}) - S(B^{\prime}\to B^{*})+{\cal O}(\varepsilon^2)
~\stackrel{(10)}{=}~&S(B\to B^{\prime})\cr
~\stackrel{(19)}{=}~&\varepsilon Q_f. \tag{28}\end{align}$$
Comparing eqs. $(21)$-$(22)$, $(26)$-$(28)$, we again arrive at the main conclusion $(25)$ of Noether's theorem.
- R.P. Feynman, The Character of Physical Law, 1965, pp. 103 - 105.
$^1$ For Feynman's proof, see approximately 50 minutes into this video. Noether's theorem is covered in 45:25-51:27.
$^2$ Feynman uses the opposite convention for horizontal and vertical than this answer.
$^3$ Noether's theorem works with fewer assumptions, but to avoid mathematical technicalities, we impose assumptions 1, 2 and 3. Note that it is easy to find examples that satisfy assumptions 1 and 2, but where the classical path $q_{\rm cl}$ may jump discontinuously for varying boundary values $(q_f,t_f;q_i,t_i)$ so that assumption 3 is not satisfied.