One should really be careful when mixing circuit theory and electromagnetic theory...
Fact of the matter is, circuit theory is a much simplified version of electromagnetism. In circuit theory, we speak of the "voltage" of a point, in reference to the ground, and act like it is a well-defined quantity. In fact, what is called the electrical potential is properly defined only in the absence of all magnetic fields. In circuit theory, we assume magnetic fields are zero, except within "designated" circuit elements like the inductor.
After that lengthy introduction, let us get to the actual questions...
You state that $V_{12} = -\int \limits_1^2 \vec{E} \cdot \vec{dl}$ which is correct (the negative sign is there because $\vec{E}$ points downhill. This is correct. Also, as I stated above, defining this only makes sense in the absence of magnetic fields, in which case it is guaranteed that the integral is path independent, meaning, you will get the same value independent of the path you choose. This means that the above integral over a closed path will always give zero. By Maxwell's equations that happens when there is no magnetic field (to be more precise, a static magnetic field) by the third equation.
So, what about voltage of a point? Now, if we have a well-defined potential differences between any two points as discussed above we can assign a voltage to any point. We do this by picking an (arbitrary) point, and assign it the value zero (and call it ground). This is conveniently chosen to be the potential of the earth itself, and therefore called "ground". You can change your reference point for potential measurements from problem to problem; since it is truly arbitrary.
There is no "necessary" electric field so to speak; the electric field is a consequence, and not a reason. The real reason is, at one end of the cable we have set up a contraption which pumps charges around. Usually this is a contraption involving wires and magnets rotating, which pushes charges one way first, then the other, generating what we call an "alternating current". What is normally moved in a power circuit (as opposed to electronic, where it can be holes ... but I digress) are electrons. Electrons are pushed towards one wire from the other which has excess positive charges, making one wire positively and the other negatively charged. Nature then takes care of the rest, forming the potential and electric fields as necessary. Then the positive and negative charges move along the wire as a wave...
If the whole thing was a direct current circuit, and at the powerhouse you had a battery, the charges would be pushed apart by the battery from one wire to the other by means of a chemical reaction and not a generator contraption as the one I mentioned above. There would be no "wave", but the principle remains the same: You move the charges, nature forms the potential and electric fields (which are in fact the description of the same thing, and not two separate entities).