The answer by kennytm is only partially correct. It finds all the values of the Fourier image—where they exist. But the complete Fourier image of a spherical wave is not a function: it's a distribution.
Let's consider a standing wave described in terms of the $0$th order spherical Bessel function (the imaginary part of the OP's function):
$$g(\mathbf r)=k'j_0(k'r)=\frac{\sin(k'r)}r.$$
We can find its Fourier transform similarly to the approach in the kennytm's answer, but with a special treatment of the final integral:
$$I=\int_0^\infty \sin(k'r)\sin kr dr.$$
This integral (up to multiplicative constant) is the sine transform of $\sin(k'r)$, which is equal to
where $\delta$ is the Dirac delta.
Similarly we can find that the Fourier transform of the second spherical wave—the one with $0$th order spherical Neumann function (the real part of the OP's function):
$$h(\mathbf r)=k'y_0(k'r)=\frac{\cos(k'r)}r.$$
Fourier transforming of this one would reduce (up to constant multiplier) to taking the sine transform of the $\cos(k'r)$, and we'll finally get the same Fourier transform as in kennytm's answer:
$$\mathcal F[h](k\hat{\mathbf z})=\sqrt{\frac2\pi}\frac1{k^2 - k'^2}.$$
Now we can compile the complete Fourier transform of the running wave given in the OP:
$$f(\mathbf r)=\frac{e^{ik'r}}r.$$
It's the combination of the two results found above:
$$\boxed{\mathcal{F}[f](k\hat{\mathbf z})=\sqrt{\frac2\pi}\frac1{k^2 - k'^2}+\frac i k\sqrt{\frac\pi2}\big(\delta(k-k')-\delta(k+k')\big).}$$