In my 'Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, THORNTON/MARION, 5th Edition' book of classical mechanics it is given the following general solution for a damped oscillation solving $\ddot{x}+2\beta\dot{x}+w_o^2x=0$:
$$x(t)=e^{-\beta t}[A_{1}\exp(\sqrt{\beta^2-w_o^2}t)+A_{2}\exp(-\sqrt{\beta^2-w_o^2}t)]$$
as $A_1$ and $A_2$ some arbitrary constants, $\beta$ the damping parameter and $w_0$ the the characteristic angular frequency.
So, if I want to find the $x(t)$ expression for the critical damped case, I have to consider that $$w_0^2=\beta^2$$
so my critical damped motion is described by:
$$x(t)=(A_1+A_2)(e^{-\beta t})$$
But, it we solve the specific differential equation for the critical damped case, the result is (as equal roots exists):
$$x(t)=(A+B t)e^{-\beta t}$$
So, my question is: What am I missing?