Minkowski space time is defined in terms of a flat pseudo-Riemannian manifold. I have wondered if it can be redefined as Riamannian manifold and in the case what type of curvature would there appear.
Let M be a semi-Riemannian manifold of dimension 4, corresponding to the Minkowski space, and let g be the metric tensor (non positive definite), T be the Riemann curvature tensor and P a generic point of M.
Question 1
Which (if any) of the following is true?
a. at every P there exists one system of coordinates for which the metric g becomes Riemannian (positive definite) in a ball of radius R non infinitesimal centred in P
b. there exists one system of coordinates for which g is Riemannian (positive definite) at all P of M
Comment: in words, can we, with a change of coordinates, get rid of semi-Riemannianity – either in finite region or globally?
If this is the case, how do we pay it in terms of curvature? This the next question:
Question 2
c. if previous a) is true, is it true that T cannot be null in the entire ball? And what type of curvature T "displays"?
d. if previous b) is true, is it true that T cannot be null in the entire ball? And what type of curvature T "displays"?
Thanks a lot