For a relativistic fluid, the equation of state is given by:
$$ \rho = \rho_0 + \frac{3p}{c^2} \,.$$
The above expression is nicely derived in Weinberg (1972). Although I was told that for a compressible fluid that is relativistically hot (i.e. $p \gg \rho_0 c^2) $ under a constant acceleration, $g$, but absent of bulk flows in equilibrium, the following is the equation for motion and energy (cf. Allen & Hughes, 1984):
$$ \begin{align} \frac {\bf{V}}{c^2} \frac {\partial p}{\partial t} + \nabla p & ~~ = ~~ -\left(\frac {4p}{c^2} + \rho_0\right) \frac {\partial \bf{V}}{\partial t} - g \left(\rho_0 + \frac {4p}{c^2} \right) \\ \\ {\bf V} \cdot \frac {\nabla p}{c^2} & ~~ = ~~ \frac {3}{c^2} \frac {\partial p}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \left(\frac {4p}{c^2} \bf{V} \right) \end{align} $$
Are these equations relativistic and actually valid despite no Lorentz factor which may be necessary for thermal speeds approaching $c$? I tried checking by plugging the above equation of state into the non-relativistic hydrodynamic equations for momentum and energy (i.e. compressible Euler equations), and recover expressions very close to the above, but it is slightly off by coefficients of 3 or 4 which could either be due to errors or relativistic effects. Thus are these two equations correct? If so, when is the above generally valid?