To add to Robin Ekman's answer, the answer is "yes" as stated there, but you need to be very careful these days with the word "matter" - this is a word that is becoming outmoded in physics as we understand more and more that everything is made of quantum fields. So the pair production process
$$\gamma + \gamma \to e^+ + e^-$$
is better understood simply as a change of state of quantum fields: we withdraw two photons from the photon field, whilst adding a positron and electron to the electron field.
Incidentally, the easiest way to do pair production $\gamma + \gamma \to e^+ + e^-$ in the lab is with a Tesla coil: if you're handy with a lathe and mechanical construction and are meticulous with laying down insulation, you can make a 1 million volt one in your own backyard as a friend of mine has - his is very like the design shown here. I'd reckon that, accelerating ions to a million electron volts, you will get significant $511keV$ $\gamma$ production. These $\gamma$ in turn will produce pairs: the rest energies of the electron and positron are $511keV$ each. I certainly would not recommend this: the electric hazard is huge and I can't see why the radiation hazard wouldn't be significant, so I stay away from my friend's house when he is playing with his coil.
The dichotomy between "matter" and "energy" is an outdated one: the word "matter" is disappearing in particle physics as too imprecise and now all "particles" have a property called energy which is simply one component of the momentum four vector, so that the "energy" property $E$ for a given particle:
$$E^2 \,c^2= p^2 + m^2 \,c^4\tag{1}$$
where $p^2 = \vec{p}\cdot\vec{p}$ is the squared magnitude of the everyday momentum vector $\vec{p}$. We don't speak of something being energy anymore. Some particles, like photons, have zero rest mass $m$ and they are always observed to be travelling at the speed of light with a momentum $|p| = E / c$. These are the ones that people used to talk about as being pure energy in Einstein's early days. Some particles have nonzero rest mass and can be at rest in your frame, like an electron. In a frame at rest relative to the particle in question, their energy is $E = m\,c^2$, which I'm sure you've seen before and is a special case of (1) above. This famous equation is in general, when the particle has nonzero momentum, incorrect (or, more fairly, not the full picture)!
On the other hand, people who study relativity call anything with an energy property "matter": it affects the Einstein Field Equations (EFE) in pretty much the same way whether or not it has rest mass and behaves gravitationally pretty much as a Newtonian mass of $E/c^2$ (although there are subtleties: the right hand side of the EFE is a tensor, not a simple scalar $E/c^2$, but the latter gives a good idea of what's going on).
If you look up the word Matter on Wikipedia you'll see the confusion explained in more detail. I wish henceforth that everyone would simply use the word "stuff" for anything that can be construed as a non ground state of a quantum field.