I want a way to track how the composition of the FRW spacetime changes with time if we take a perfect fluid with only dust and radiation and allow some of that dust to decay to radiation.
The total energy density would be $\rho=\rho^{dust}+\rho^{rad}$, which scale as $a^{-3}$ and $a^{-4}$, respectively.
I am looking for a quantity that describes the proportion of dust vs radiation. If we took $$\frac{\rho^{dust}}{\rho}$$ that would seem to suffice but the problem is the radiation included in $\rho$ loses density at $a^{-4}$, so this quantity depends on the scale factor. So that quantity will change with the scale factor even if dust does not decay.
I suppose we could write $$\frac{\rho^{dust}}{\rho^{dust}+\rho^{rad}a}$$ but that seems contrived. Maybe that's the right quantity?
One other route i've tried: the dust is represented by the non-zero trace portion of the SEM tensor, which I could define as $D_{\mu\nu}$. Then contract this with the observer's 4-velocity so $D_{\mu\nu}U^\mu U^\nu = \rho^{dust}$. But that still changes with scale factor, and multiplying by $\sqrt{-g}$ turns it into a scalar density, which I'm not super clear on how to deal with.
Summary of what i'm trying to do: define some sort of quantity that changes only when dust decays. I want this quantity not to change with the scale factor, or at least change in such a way that the decay of dust can be separated.