I believe this is just elementary QM, but I'm getting awfully confused. The question is drawn from this paper on Wannier-Stark localization (but is self-contained): https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0953-8984/1/8/007
Let \begin{equation} |n,k\rangle = e^{ikx}u_{n,k}(x) \end{equation} be a Bloch state, where $u_{n,k}(x+a)=u_{n,k}(x)$ is the periodic part. We wish to calculate the matrix element $\langle n,k|x|n',k'\rangle$, which the authors claim can be written as \begin{equation} \langle n,k|x|n',k'\rangle = i\delta_{n,n'}\delta_{k,k'}\frac{\partial}{\partial k} + i\delta_{k,k'}X_{n,n'}, \end{equation} where \begin{equation} X_{n,n'} = iN\int_0^ae^{i(k-k')x}u_{n,k}^*(x)\frac{\partial}{\partial k}u_{n',k'}(x) \;\mathrm{d}x. \end{equation} This latter term is physically the inter-band coupling. Note that I am not sure what $N$ is, as I can't see it defined in the paper. Also, the equation for $X_{n,n'}$ is as written in the paper, with $\partial_k$ acting on $u_{n',k'}$.
Question: show the above.
I've tried writing $x=-i\partial_k e^{ikx}$ and integrating by parts, but do not get their expression. I am also generally confused as to how a matrix element $\langle n,k|x|n',k'\rangle$ (which should be a number...?) can be equal to a derivative $\partial_k$.