Consider two electrons in the spin singlet state. If a measure of $S_z$ from one of the electrons show that it is in a state with $m = 1/2$, what is the probability of a measure of $S_z$ does the other electron result in $m = 1/2$?
I am not sure how to answer this problem: The possible states are
We have three options having at least one spin up. So, considering these three, one has the other spin up and other two have spin down.
So, the probability that we have two $m=1/2$ is 1/3? I mean, of course I am considering that the electrons are indistinguishable, because otherwise I could say "the electron 1 has spin up, so the first spin need to be up arrow, and it leads 1/2 probability to the other electron have spin up too"
Is my answer/interpretation right?