Consider the following diagrams:
- Why in thermal equilibrium—the Fermi energy level is constant throughout the entire system? I know the following explanation A gradient in the Fermi level is the driving force for carrier motion:
$$F_n = \frac{D_n}{k_BT} n \frac{\mathrm{d}E_F}{\mathrm{d}x}$$
In equilibrium (zero bias), $F_n = 0$ and therefore $E_F=\text{const}$. but don't get the derivation due to following question.
- In First diagram why the $E_v$ elevates? Is that mean that the highest energy state in valence band of p-type semiconductor is increase?if yes How? Consider that I know the explanation that you have to make that fermi level in equillibrium condition constant throughout the entire system.
- See the second figure $E_{Fi}$ in both the figure are equal(atleast in figure) As I joint them How $E_{Fi}$ get increased in p type ,I mean it's condition for intrinsic.
3.They get the expression $$V_{bi}=|\phi_{Fp}|+|\phi_{Fn}|.$$(Is that in figure the $E_{Fi}$ of p-side is equal to $E_c$ of n side if yes How?)