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Post Closed as "too localized" by Qmechanic, Manishearth, Waffle's Crazy Peanut, Emilio Pisanty, Sklivvz
changed power of $c$.
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Expression for the (relativistic) mass of the photon

I started learning a bit ahead from an old physics book, and they were discussing the photoelectric effect and after that Planck's hypotheses and energy quantas.

The book said that the mass of a microscopic oscillator (what is that?) is not continuous, but discrete and the difference between states is an energy quanta:

$ \varepsilon = h\nu = E_k - E_i $ And

And since $ E = mc^2 $ then the (relativistic) mass of the photon is

$ m = \frac{h\nu}{c^3} $$ m = \frac{h\nu}{c^2} $

How did they deduce that?

Expression for the mass of the photon

I started learning a bit ahead from an old physics book, and they were discussing the photoelectric effect and after that Planck's hypotheses and energy quantas.

The book said that the mass of a microscopic oscillator (what is that?) is not continuous, but discrete and the difference between states is an energy quanta:

$ \varepsilon = h\nu = E_k - E_i $ And since $ E = mc^2 $ then the mass of the photon is

$ m = \frac{h\nu}{c^3} $

How did they deduce that?

Expression for the (relativistic) mass of the photon

I started learning a bit ahead from an old physics book, and they were discussing the photoelectric effect and after that Planck's hypotheses and energy quantas.

The book said that the mass of a microscopic oscillator (what is that?) is not continuous, but discrete and the difference between states is an energy quanta:

$ \varepsilon = h\nu = E_k - E_i $

And since $ E = mc^2 $ then the (relativistic) mass of the photon is

$ m = \frac{h\nu}{c^2} $

How did they deduce that?

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Expression for the mass of the photon

I started learning a bit ahead from an old physics book, and they were discussing the photoelectric effect and after that Planck's hypotheses and energy quantas.

The book said that the mass of a microscopic oscillator (what is that?) is not continuous, but discrete and the difference between states is an energy quanta:

$ \varepsilon = h\nu = E_k - E_i $ And since $ E = mc^2 $ then the mass of the photon is

$ m = \frac{h\nu}{c^3} $

How did they deduce that?