Symmetry of the canonical energy-momentum tensor can be related to the spin of the object(s) that contribute to it (in other words, the representation of the Lorentz group under the fields transform). Note that the canonical EM tensor is obtained by using the Noether's procedure for translational symmetry
T_{\mu\nu} = \sum\limits_r \frac{\delta {\cal L}}{\delta \left( \partial^\mu \phi_r \right)} \partial_\nu \phi_r - g_{\mu\nu} {\cal L}
This expression is clearly not symmetric. However, we can comment about its (non-)symmetry by looking at the conserved quantity corresponding to Lorentz transformation. By the Noether's procedure, we can show that this is
M_{\mu\nu\alpha} = T_{\mu\alpha} x_\nu - T_{\mu\nu} x_\alpha - \frac{\delta {\cal L}}{ \delta \left( \partial^\mu \phi_r \right) } \left( J_{\nu\alpha} \right)^{rs} \phi_s
Here, $\left( J_{\nu\alpha} \right)^{rs}$ is the representation of the Lorentz algebra under which the set of fields $\phi_r$ transforms. Conservation of this quantity implies
0 = \partial^\mu M_{\mu\nu\alpha} = T_{\nu\alpha} - T_{\alpha\nu} - \partial^\mu \left( \frac{\delta {\cal L}}{ \delta \left( \partial^\mu \phi_r \right) } \left( J_{\nu\alpha} \right)^{rs} \phi_s \right)
This implies
T_{\nu\alpha} - T_{\alpha\nu} = \partial^\mu \left( \frac{\delta {\cal L}}{ \delta \left( \partial^\mu \phi_r \right) } \left( J_{\nu\alpha} \right)^{rs} \phi_s \right)
Non-symmetry of the stress-energy tensor is an indication that the fields that are contributing to it transform non-trivially under the Lorentz group. In particular, the canonical EM tensor is symmetric only if the theory contains only scalars.
The way I like to think about the process of "symmetrizing the EM tensor" is the following. The canonical EM tensor does not contain any "spin information" and one needs the angular momentum tensor for that information. However, a symmetrized EM tensor is essentially defined to "absorb" in the spin information of the field content so that the angular momentum tensor is no longer needed (it contains more information?). The reason I think of this like this is that in terms of the symmetric EM tensor we can define another conserved quantity
{\tilde M}_{\mu\nu\alpha} = {\tilde T}_{\mu\alpha} x_\nu - {\tilde T}_{\mu\nu} x_\alpha
Since ${\tilde T}_{\mu\nu}$ is symmetric the tensor above is trivially conserved and does not contain any new information. However, this modified angular momentum tensor still generates all the conserved quantities as $M_{\mu\nu\alpha}$. It then seems to me that ${\tilde T}_{\mu\nu}$ already contains information about the conserved angular momentum.
This also reconciles with the fact that the symmetrized EM tensor is often the same as one obtains by varying the metric, usually defined as
T_{\mu\nu} = \frac{2}{\sqrt{-g}} \frac{\delta S}{\delta g^{\mu\nu} }
Since the metric (gravitation) couples to all particles in a universal fashion, the above definition of the EM tensor should involve spin information as well, and therefore, must be equal to (or atleast closely related to) ${\tilde T}_{\mu\nu}$ described above.