I know this is considered an old subject long ridiculed by many as the folly of layman. But I work in the field of computer simulation, specifically in producing fully functional 3D interactive systems that are based in physics. I been trying to update a universe simulator, which yes, deals with orbiting planets. But goes much farther and predicts the temperatures of planets. Uses particle physics to generate esoteric things such as comet tails. Black body radiation, Albedo, Light intensity. All without data fitting. (without fudging constants to resolve observed discrepancies). In this system you should be able to take a virtual telescope and see what you would expect in the real world, except it has unlimited range.
My problem is I have never been able to incorporate GR into the system, for a number of reasons. But the most glaring is that it is quite clear that the moment you introduce anything less than zero latency (speed of gravity). The entire system falls apart, planets fly off, everything dissapates. Not even a infinitesimally small amount of latency is tolerated. Not to mention using the fairly big speed of light value for it. There's even issues if I ignore this gravity problem and use it purely for light. I know most will give the usual response with it only works on the macroscale. With numerous examples of why it works in the real world. And how silly of me to even bring up this question. But regardless, of the arguments. I am stuck. I even asked a NASA engineer how they resolve this. And his answer was they don't. They use Newtonian physics. So I don't want to open up a old can of worms and end up sidelining my original issue.
Update: Seems I am unable to reply as it was put on hold for being unclear? My excruciatingly concise and short question is shown in bold as I stated it the first time.
Just want to know how incorporate GR without angular momentum being instantly destroyed.
I don't know how to express this any clearer, other than to reword in some other way. But it seems most people not only understood it, but gave me a path to the solution. And I was unaware of the Einstein toolkit and gravitoelectromagnetism, which I will jump in and give it a shot...
So before I begin you have to understand I am approaching this from n-body simulation point of view which means if I can't represent it as an equation which I can apply to particles (or collection of particles represented as a whole) that interactive with each other then I don't have a simulation. Any esoteric or abstract math cannot be used. Every simulated interaction (even light) has to be boiled down to be applied to each and every particle along with every interaction with every other particle.
The Crux of the matter :)
Newtonian gravity demands that all mass no matter how distant, act with instantaneous response. In GR amongst other things, Gravity cannot respond quicker than the speed of light. (Yes I am simplifying this) So if we take the earth rotating around the sun and only allow gravity to attract the earth at light speed. It will be 8 minutes behind and the earth will immediately pull away from the Sun as the attraction vector is now well beyond perpendicular. In other words I am out of phase and every particle in the entire simulation will separate because the force vector is now not perpendicular with the orbiting body.
If I ignore this gravity problem and just use it for light. I have another problem. Suppose I take a (virtual) laser and attempt to shoot a beam at the moon at a small reflector and expect to get a reflection back in my viewfinder. And let's say the earth is rotating and both the earth and the moon are also moving in their orbits (in other words both the observer and the target are moving through space and not in sync). In my simulation, I "never" see the reflection back, nor am I ever able to hit the target. Because the view I am seeing through my (virtual) laser scope is ~1 second late with the physical target. And also 1 second late on the return trip. Even if I lead my target to compensate, both the earth and moon have moved kilometers from their original position. the Light path would have to appear as if it has an arc in it's path to compensate for all my motions even if it worked. Traveling rectilinearly will be off by thousands of kilometers.
We obviously can shoot a laser now at a small reflector target on the moon even though we know that the observer is seeing the moon one second+ late and it's obviously not kilometers off target. And we get a reflection back right back into the viewfinder rectilinearly.