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Rodrigo Sasse
  • Member for 2 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
Calculate efficiency from discrete power, time and distance
I personally like the third one better myself. Can you elaborate on why would you discard those? I actually want to deal with scenario 1 better (T greater), but scenario 2 is not a problem to me, it's quite common, actually.
Calculate efficiency from discrete power, time and distance
Yes, they are very similar among them. In some cases, there's a fail in the GPS device and the difference between one point is much longer than 1 second, then I have a problem. I'd actually like to find the best model to deal with it.
Calculate efficiency from discrete power, time and distance
The GPS samples at 1 Hz regardless. Sometimes it fails, like inside tunnels, so the time difference is longer, but does not happen often.