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Sid's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • India
5 votes

Is there an intuitive way to view the concept of momentum?

4 votes

Why does the water go from left to right in this question?

2 votes

When do I use the cosine and sine functions when graphing the components of a vector?

1 vote

Two rockets, A and B, are initially close together and on the same axis but facing in opposite directions

1 vote

In which direction should the momentum be conserved in case of colliding objects?

1 vote

Can kinetic friction and static friction be independent of each other in rigid body motion?

0 votes

How to calculate the total resistance?

0 votes

Parallel Axis Theorem Derivation

-1 votes

Finding the final velocity of a car after 8 seconds with energy