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nasch's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 2 months
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Would an ICBM be visible while travelling towards it’s destination?
@JonCuster Is that suggestion different from the accepted answer?
Is there such a thing as a "physical" fractal?
Going even deeper than atomic scale, it is thought that there is a shortest distance at which it is possible to determine the position of an object - the Planck length. So no structure could be discernable/provable below that size (if correct).
Why does a plastic bag rip when it is raised to a higher position when being held but not when it is stationary?
And if your other hand is free, use it to support the bottom of the bag at the same time.
Can free quarks exist?
@JohnDoty Are you saying quarks are mathematical abstractions?
Would an ICBM be visible while travelling towards it’s destination?
lol, the behavior and appearance of an object reentering the atmosphere isn't mainstream physics??
If water is nearly as incompressible as ground, why don't divers get injured when they plunge into it?
@DKNguyen Possibly, but you would have to hit harder than by just falling, if the Mythbusters test is indicative. They dropped pigs out of a helicopter and they sustained much more damage landing on concrete than water.
What determines whether colors you can't see are visible or not?
@CaiusJard In the most common form of red-green color blindness (which is the most common form of color blindness), and some other types that work the same way, the frequencies are all registered but differently. The red and green cones overlap more in the frequencies of light they're sensitive to, which leads to a diminished ability to distinguish those colors. There are forms of color blindness that are caused by missing cones, but they're much more rare.…
Does a fan rotating with a uniform angular velocity consume electrical energy?
@JeremyFriesner If the fan blades are spinning relative to the rest of the fan, then there must be another boundary internal to the fan.
Does a fan rotating with a uniform angular velocity consume electrical energy?
@JeremyFriesner Well something is rotating relative to something. I don't know exactly where the boundary is but whether it's between the blades and the motor, or the motor and the housing, there is going to be friction that causes energy to be lost. Though as pointed out elsewhere most of the energy would be transferred to the fan to spin it in the opposite direction until the blades aren't spinning relative to the fan any more.
Does a fan rotating with a uniform angular velocity consume electrical energy?
@JeremyFriesner No, there will still be internal friction. There's a comment on the accepted answer that goes into more detail about what would happen.
How is water heavier than petrol, even though its molecular weight is less than petrol?
@Floris This is the closest I could find, which falls dismally short of an elevator jam packed with ballerinas:…
Why does shooting a handgun accelerate a bullet to deadly speed without injuring the gun user's hand?
@DavidRicherby There's also a tradeoff of muzzle control vs. handling as mass is moved forward or back in a rifle. More forward weight keeps the muzzle more stable, but increases the polar moment of inertia when moving the gun around, and vice versa.